Duncan founder of uPhotoMalta
His passions that led him to starting up this business:
Few people ever manage to merge the things that please them the most into one job. Duncan did. He married the three things that gave him most happiness and created a new reason for him to get out there and make the most of them. On a daily basis 🙂 its photography, nature and people. A love so big for these three elements that made him the best at what he did! It worked brilliantly! Not only was he creating a great platform for visitors to our island to experience, but also creating great memories which will be treasured on their walls, desks or albums, at home or office. After all, in this life, memories are the only element that stays. Unfortunately we experienced this first hand when Duncan passed away tragically, defending his family on the 01st January 2012. This gave me even more reason to keep his passion going and bring it back to life, now that our children are starting to grow into little adults, to live their father’s energy as best I can. And now that I have the right people to do it with.

I am very proud of our concept and our people. I am most certain that your experience on our tours will nourish your life experience whilst it exposes you to the three elements that our beloved Duncan intended to offer you, the Maltese way.

We would be thrilled to hear about your experience on one of our special tours, as we want to keep improving on them to the best our island can offer.
Thank you